The Coupon Clippers

Ok so this week the site I am going to tell you about is not a blog but it is definitely a site I have bookmarked as it is my go to site for several things…The Coupon Clippers!!
Many of you may be shocked to find out that I only get one newspaper each week!!  In the several years that I have been couponing I have learned many things via trial and error–one of these things being how many inserts to purchase. 
When I first started couponing I often purchased up to 10 newspapers which was VERY costly.  Here in Atlanta the Sunday double is $3 and gives you two sets of insert–to get 10 sets of inserts that would be $15!!  If I managed to find a street vendor and was able to snag them for a buck a piece that is still $10 out of pocket!! 
After a while, I decided that was just crazy and luckily found out that in my area the free county newspaper offered a smaller version of the insert coupons each week.  I could snag 15 sets of inserts each week…but they were often lacking some of the good coupons!  Also, storage became an issue…it is very difficult to store that many inserts and keep them manageable!!  When more and more couponers found out about this free option I found myself having to get to the papers quickly or risk being out of luck and getting no inserts for the week!!
After a while, I noticed that each week I really only used a small percentage of insert coupons when I shopped!!   If a good deal came up I usually ended up trading or ordering coupons so that I would have the large quantity that I needed. Then the light bulb came on…why waste my money and my energy with the inserts when I can just as easily trade or get them from The Coupon Clippers!!  Each week I check out the insert preview and look at what I might use and make a list of the coupons that appeal to me!  I can then just place an order and get only what I will use for a fraction of the cost of buying inserts…and the coupon are already clipped and ready to go!!
The Coupon Clippers are a great resource and I have found them to be very dependable, cost effective and easy to use!  I also love their coupon tracker–I have used it often to look back to double check a coupon’s issue date. I also love the fact that I can use Paypal to pay.  I don’t have to touch my bank account to get my coupons–I just use the money I earn from doing surveys and such to cover the cost of my coupon needs–AWESOME!!
Head over and check out The Coupon Clippers…I think you will find that they will become your go to resource too!