I hope you are all having a wonderful Memorial Day!!  We have enjoyed the day by cooking out, relaxing and watching movies in our “soon to be completed” basement!  Wouldn’t you know the first room to be completed is the theater/man cave. Tee hee–I can’t complain as it is nice to just veg in front of a movie every now and again!!

Well another perk of the day is that my husband was home and I was able to shop all by myself this morning!!  It was such a treat but I tell you I might be better off with the boys.  It was so nice to shop alone–I strolled around the store and actually had a chance to look around a little bit.  When I have the boys I try hard to get my items and get out as quickly as possible to avoid any major meltdowns.  While looking around I saw a couple of ribeye steaks and just couldn’t help myself…I actually bought several things that were not on my list!! 
I totally blew my budget but you know it was worth it 😀  I still think my savings percentage will be pretty good this week!!  Here is what I am planning this week:
BBQ Ribs, Potato Salad & Baked Beans
Grilled Ribeye, Squash Casserole & Fried Okra
Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Steamed Veggies (my husband’s request this week)
Baked Ziti
Homemade Chicken Pot Pie
Hot Dogs & Beer Battered Onion Rings (this one is subject to change based on my mood 🙂 )