Laurie over at Publix Penny Pincher has posted her recipes this week.  It looks like another great week!  I have several pork tenderloins in the freezer and I have been looking for a new recipe to use the pork–I think Laurie’s kabobs will be perfect!!  We are headed to pick berries on Friday so I will be making a cobbler this week too…but I will probably do blueberry!
Here are Laurie’s recipes:

Also Laurie emailed to let me know that she found the 40 oz Peter Pan BOGO $5.29 at her store.  Here are some coupons if you find the same!

Peter Pan 40 oz, BOGO $5.29
-$1/2 Peter Pan Peanut Butter, any (DND 9) – All You, June 2010
-$1/2 ConAgra Coupon Booklet Home Mailer

-$1/3 Summertime Savings Guide Publix coupon
Thanks Laurie!