This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NAVTEQ. All opinions are 100% mine.

I know many of you are going to be headed out on various road trips now that the kiddos are out of school.  We are actually trying to decide if we want to take a little trip here soon too.  Since I ran into a little issue last week I thought I would take a moment to remind you guys to update your GPS units and in-car navigation systems!!
Last week on the way to the Berry Farm, I was so busy talking with a friend that I totally got us lost!  I go crazy backroads so there was no way I was going to be able to get us there without some help!!  I thought –no biggie, I will use my navigation system!  Yeah–I have never updated my map since I bought the car!  So my navigation system was pretty much pointless out in the boonies! Luckily, I was able to find a little church and a couple of sweet little old southern gentlemen who were able to get us back on track. 
Needless to say I updated my maps this past weekend!!  My husband would have never stopped to ask for directions–so to avoid a future issue I will be sure and keep my system updated!! 
Updating is easy, just go to and follow the drop-down menus which correspond to the built-in system or portable device. It is super quick!! Installing updated navigation maps takes just a few minutes, but can save hours, fuel and the frustration of getting lost or being late (and possible arguments about stopping for directions 🙂 )
You never know when your GPS or navigation system might be needed!  So head to and get your update!
Visit my sponsor: Map updates a must for summer road trips!