Keep sending in those questions – we love to answer them! Just remember if we didn’t get to your question this week…we will do our best to cover it another week!! As always a big thanks to my buddy Christy over at Haphazardly Hobbying who gives me so much help to get the questions answered.
Remember–there is a tab at the top of the site called “Q & A” where I organize the questions and answers from this feature so that it can serve as a quick reference!
Here are this week’s questions:

  1. If a clearance item is marked 2/$X, do I have to buy 2 of that item in order to get the clearance price?
  2. What are good stock-up prices for produce?
  3. Do you have any suggestions about organizing unused coupons post-shopping trip?
  4. Are you able to use two printable coupons with a BOGO sale?
  5. Do you count the cost of your newspapers or any coupons you purchase online in your budget?
  6. Should I feel bad about using so many competitor coupons at Publix (since they don’t get reimbursed for them at all)?
  7. On more than one occasion, I’ve realized that I had products on one receipt that needed to go with two different rebates. Do you have a plan or system you use when shopping includes rebate deals in order to avoid this situation?
  8. Do you know if there is a way to print coupons from an iPhone 3GS?
  9. If Publix is running a B2G1 sale and I have a B2G1 manufacturer coupon, do I only end up having to pay for one item?
  10. How can I make sure that I’ve gotten ALL the deals – weekly ad, advantage buys, unadvertised deals, etc – when I make my weekly shopping list?

And here are the answers!

  1. Christina wants to know: If a clearance item is marked 2/$X, do I have to buy 2 of that item in order to get the clearance price?
  2. Christy: You shouldn’t have to buy two to get the clearance price – I never have at any of the stores in my area, at least! As always, check with your service desk, but I’m pretty certain about this one! 🙂
    Michelle: You can just purchase one and get the sale price.

  3. Heather wants to know: What are good stock-up prices for produce?
  4. There are so many others but this are the ones that I buy most frequently and the price I like to pay (lower is even better!!)
    grapes- 99¢/lb
    apples – $1 /lb
    bananas – 49¢/lb
    peaches – 89¢/lb
    berries – $1.99/pkg
    watermelon – 49¢/lb
    cabbage – 50¢/lb
    onions – .99¢/lb
    salad bag – $1 per package
    spinach – $2 per package
    avocado -$1
    green beans, $1/lb
    Squash $1/lb
    bell pepper 50¢ each
    broccoli $1
    asparagus $2/lb
    mushrooms $1.50/ 8 oz pkg
    lemons/limes 25¢
    tomatoes – $1.29/lb

  5. Pam wants to know: Do you have any suggestions about organizing unused coupons post-shopping trip? My biggest problem seems to be that I end up with unused coupons after a trip (either out-of-stock, a higher price than I anticipated, it just didn’t work with whatever deal I was doing, or peelies/blinkies I picked up). Usually they are clipped together based on the store I intended to use them at, and they end up everywhere! These are usually great coupons that I intend to use, but I end up missing out on other deals because they are scattered. Any suggestions? I use the insert filing method, plus a notebook for my IPs and Peelies.
  6. Chrsity: I have a “to be filed” coupon bin – a shoebox would work, as would an old tissue box, etc – that I keep near my desk. When I get home from shopping, I generally have a bunch of random coupons, too. I just put them in the bin and (in theory) make it a point to re-file those coupons before I make my next shopping list (in reality, sometimes it takes a week or two 🙂 ). Still, at least I have one set place where I can look for those coupons if I realize that one’s missing!
    Michelle: I also have an ongoing “to be filed” pile of coupons. I try to keep mine in a zip pocket inside my binder but in all honesty I usually have a pile there and on my desk.  I try to be organized but sometimes life gets in the way.
    I would love to hear any ideas you guys have…I could use a better system myself!

  7. Jennifer wants to know: I know every Publix is different, but are you able to use 2 printables with a BOGO? A cashier once told me only one printable on the BOGOS (with same expiration) as they could be photocopied. Just wondering what your store’s policy is.
  8. Michelle: You should be able to use two coupons no matter if they are printables, tearpads or blinkies…the type is not important.  If your cashier fears that you have made copies be sure and show them that the code on each coupon is different (go HERE to see where to find this on your coupon).

  9. Stephanie wants to know: Do you count the cost of your newspapers or any coupons you purchase online in your budget? It seems they would need to be factored in somewhere to make it “saving” money. Are there deals available on newspapers?
  10. Michelle:  I have mentioned in the past that I use the money I earn from my survey sites to cover the cost of coupons.  I usually only get one set of full inserts each week and they are from my home delivered paper.  I budget for a year of Sunday delivery each week and then use my “monopoly money” to cover the cost of additional coupons.  I find that between this and trades I can usually get what I need without touching my bank account.  Some people also roll the cost of their papers in their drugstore deals which is a great way to use the various drugstore money!

  11. Tiffany wants to know: Should I feel bad about using so many competitor coupons at Publix (since they don’t get reimbursed for them at all)? Some weeks I use quite a few competitor coupons and feel almost guilty knowing Publix gets nothing for them. Please tell me I am not the only one that feels this way and help me clear my conscience!
  12. Christy: I understand where you’re coming from, Tiffany, but I don’t think you should feel guilty. The competitor coupon acceptance policy that Publix has is one designed to keep their customers coming back to Publix rather than going to other stores, and it’s working! If you think about all the revenue you generate for Publix – not just the out of pocket amount that you spend, but the hundreds and even thousands in manufacturer’s coupons that you bring in to their stores – I think you’ll agree that it’s a win-win situation!
    Michelle: I don’t think you should feel guilty at all.  I am guessing that you likely spend more than the few dollars worth of competitor coupons that you use.  While this may be a good incentive to get us in the door…I think we can all agree that we go back for many other reasons 🙂

  13. Anna wants to know: I’ve recently started doing rebates along with my coupons to bring in that little extra cash. On more than one occasion, I’ve realized that I had products on one receipt that needed to go with two different rebates. Do you have a plan or system you use when shopping includes rebate deals?
  14. Christy: In general, I try to keep my rebate purchases on separate receipts whenever possible. If that just doesn’t work, I make a note on my shopping list to ask for multiple receipts (you need to do this BEFORE your cashier starts to ring you up).
    Michelle:  I try to make sure I do separate purchases.  It is really the only way to make sure you will get your rebate.  Publix can print a duplicate receipt immediately after your receipt has printed BUT be aware that you may be denied your rebate as often they terms state that “original receipt required” .  The duplicate receipt may be rejected as it is not an official original receipt!

  15. Deanna wants to know: Do you know if there is a way to print coupons from an iPhone 3GS?
  16. You can check out the iPhone app HERE.  It states that it is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later .  If you give it a try come back and give us a review!

  17. Lisa wants to know: I want to make sure I’m understanding this correctly. If Publix has a buy 2 get 1 free sale and I have a B2G1 manufacturer’s coupon, do I pay for only one and get the 2nd and 3rd one free ( the 2nd paid for by Publix and the 3rd paid by manufacturer)?
  18. Christy: That’s right! the B2G1 coupon attaches to the third item, the sale pays for the second item, and you pay for the first item. 

  19. Sherri wants to know: How can I make sure that I’ve gotten ALL the deals – weekly ad, advantage buys, unadvertised deals, etc – when I make my weekly shopping list? I usually print the weekly ad, then print the different advantage buy ads, and then sometimes go back to the deals tab to make sure I haven’t missed anything. Then I go make my own spreadsheet. Is there an easier way?
  20. Thanks to your question…you can now find all of the hot deals listed in the ongoing deals page (weekly super deals, hot advantage buy deals and any other great deal reported)!  Of course I can’t list everything but I will try to list the best of the best.  This site is really a running list of all the deals at Publix but I will try to keep the good ones in one spot for easy reference 😀

I hope our answers to these questions were helpful! Make sure you ‘tune in’ next week for even more Q&A with I Heart Publix. If you have a question you’d like to see answered, email me at