Tee hee…you know it is the little things in life that just make me smile! 
I love all the comments and emails that you all have sent.  It really means so much to know that the time I spend in front of this keyboard is helping you guys save money. 
Tara let me know that Jen King (the author of the article I shared yesterday How To Save Money At Publix Supermarkets) published another article today and it is a spotlight on I Heart Publix!! This time Jen’s article is titled Saving Money with the Website “I Heart Publix”
Eighteen months ago when I started this site I would have never dreamed that it would turn into this!  I started this site as a way to share deals with a few friends and it seems that I have made just a few more friends 😉
I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you who visit the site, post comments, take the time to send me deals, booklets and share your stories.  I appreciate you all!  For me this has become so much more than a blog and is now a huge community of friends that share a common interest and I am glad to be part of it 🙂