Well, I did not do a ton of shopping this week…but– I am organized!!  I spent HOURS last weekend going through both of my pantries and my refrigerator!  I could not believe how long it took, but I am thrilled with the outcome!  I put my can organizer together and me oh my–I love that big boy!!  While it was not exactly cheap, I really think it was well worth the money!  I have a portion of my budget that is devoted to splurges –I call it my “mad money”.  Well, I dipped into it and am very pleased that I did!!
I really thought that my organization system was pretty good.  I tried to make sure that I put the newest items in the back so the things that would expire first would be at the front. Well, I was stunned to find many expired items in my pantries!!  It upsets me as that was a complete waste!!  If I had been aware I could have easily taken the items to my food pantry to give to someone who needed those items!! 
I had not done a really thorough clean out in years, so I am confident that I will be able to keep track of my items better!  Now that everything is organized, I can tell what I need to put on my list to buy soon and what I do not need for quite a while!
This week I spent for $25.53 for $77.31 worth of groceries. That means I saved 67% this week! I am happy to be under budget this week…after all of my organizing I know I have a few areas that need some help 🙂
Here is what I purchased this week.  I am on my way out the door so I did not have time to add the details.  Also, I am going to take some pictures of my fabulous newly organized pantry to show you guys!!  Be on the lookout tonight!!

How did you do this week? Leave a comment or link to your weekly totals.