Where does the week go??  It seems like it was yesterday that I was sitting down to do my weekly totals. I keep thinking that things will slow down and they never do…is that just wishful thinking on my part??
This week I spent a bit more than usual.  My husband ran out of Diet Coke so I had to bite the bullet and just grab it.  I tried to make it a little better by using the $2 off meat when you buy Coke tearpad. That is kinda like paying $2 per 12 pack. I have got to work a soda deal somewhere because those measly 48 cans is nothing to him.  They will be gone in no time flat 🙂  I also threw in a couple of things that were not exactly necessary but I just grabbed them.  I have not had  Steak-Umm in over 10 years…but while I was at the store, the thought of a Philly Cheese Steak sounded so good that I had to grab a box!
I did manage to grab a good amount of items that will last a while.  I scored more cheap milk and would like to say I am set until the end of the year.  But…my guys are going through more milk than ever.  I guess just seeing that we have a bunch in the refrigerator makes them think that they should drink more??  Really only the meat and veggies were to be used this week. The rest of the stuff I bought is for the coming weeks/months. 
So I guess my totals are a bit high but I still saved a bundle, so I say that is a good week!  This week I spent $68.34 for $260+ worth of groceries!!  That means I saved 74% this week…not too shabby!
Here is what I brought home:

How did you do? Leave a comment or link to your weekly totals.