Mary from Couponers Unite emailed to let me know that the Farm Rich French Toast Sticks are an store special at 2 for $3.29. If you were able to print those $2/1 coupons that I posted the other day you have FREE french toast sticks plus a little overage!!
Noelle (from my neck of the woods) emailed to let me know that the Tyson Frozen Bagged Chicken Tenders are an in store special of $4.99.
Use the $1/1 Publix coupon from the Yellow Advantage Buy Flyer paired with $1/1 manufacturer coupon from 08-02-09 SS to pay $2.99 per bag!
Frances over at Frugal Fairhope emailed to let me know that the Starbuck’s IP has reset! Go HERE to print –it makes each pint of ice cream .90¢ My husband will be thrilled 🙂 TIP: this one will print four times!!
Thanks everyone keep those deals coming!!!