Jamie emailed me THIS link for a SC Johnson MIR where you get $5 when you purchase any 3 SCJ products. Now I can’t find anything on the form that requires you to purchase 3 DIFFERENT products. So I am assuming you can buy multiples of one item! I just bought 2 of the candles today…so I am over half way there for my 1st MIR!
The form says that you can do 3 rebates PER household…so here are a few great options this week at Publix:
The Glade Fragrance Collection Small Candles are $3.19–Buy three use the three $3/1 from one Store One Stop Booklets–pay .57¢ and earn a $5 rebate –that is a $4.43 money maker 🙂
Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, Assorted Varieties, Antibacterial, 22-oz can, BOGO $3.29
-$1/1 One Stop. One Store. Booklet
Buy 3 Scrubbing Bubbles –use three $1/1 coupons and pay $1.95 and get back a $5 rebate–profit of $3.05 🙂
Windex Glass Cleaner or Multi-Surface, Assorted Varieties, 26-oz bot, 2/$4
-$1/1 PRINT
Buy 3 Windex–use three $1/1 IP’s…you’ll pay $3 and get back $5. Profit of $2 🙂
Can you think of any others??
I have a question about MIR.I noticed that they all say u have to have the original receipt.I would participate in more MIR offers if I didn’t have to send in my original receipt,because if I need to return something that is on that receipt I can’t!!Will they accept a photocopy? I know u can ask for a duplicate receipt to print out after the original,but if I don’t know ahead of time then it doesn’t do me any good! Thanks
I called and the rebate actually starts tomorrow. Hope you didn’t run out and buy 3 products like I did 🙁
Thanks Amy–I just happened to purchase the candles today…guess I will have to fork out an extra .38¢–OH NO… tee hee!!
Amy if you spent the money today… I am fairly positive you could talk to your store and they will return the items and allow you to re-purchase them…so you have a fresh new receipt with all the products on the correct date 🙂
I may give that a try!
Where does it state the dates for this rebate? I bought 2 Glade products last week and luckily still have the receipt.
GREAT Info! Michelle or anyone that can answer, do you know if you can submit the rebate to a PO box??? The form doesn’t seem to say you cannot – it just says ) not to multiple addresses/po boxes. Problem is I live at the end of the beach and we do not have mail delivery, so I have no choice but to use a PO box for all my mail. If you don’t know the answer, any chance I can get the # to call and ask them??? I hate to submit and have it rejected (what a disappointment/waste of time that would be). Any help is appreciated! 🙂
Lori–here is the # 1-800-410-5235 🙂
Can someone print and scan in. I have been trying for an hour and I cannot get the page to load up and get the message: webpage unavailable. Thanks!
If anyone else is having the same problem you can go to site home page and search “mail in rebate” and get the rebate form through Google Doc.
The medium size Glade Fragrance Collection candles are $3 at Wal-Mart, so buy 3 candles with 3 of the $3/1 coupon from the Publix booklet to get them for free and make $5.
cmchilton said “The medium size Glade Fragrance Collection candles are $3 at Wal-Mart, so buy 3 candles with 3 of the $3/1 coupon from the Publix booklet to get them for free and make $5.”
Even thought it’s a MQ it says the coupon can only be used at Publix. Did you have any problems using them at Walmart??
Is the Windex on sale 2/$4? I didnt see that
I made my purchases for this at Kmart today since they are doubling coupons…
4 Glade candle products Holiday edition (MQ for $1.50 off each, doubled to $3 = All FREE)
I’ll get $5 for the MIR from SC Johnson & I got a Catalina for $2 for buying $10 worth of Glade holiday products. So $7 profit!
If I had bought $25 worth of SC Johnson I could have gotten a $5 off any $5 purchase too, but I am happy with my $7 profit on each transaction.
i may just be missing this info and if so i apologize. i haven’t seen anywhere if the purchases have to be all at once. i bought the two windexes today forgetting all about the rebate 🙁
Marianne: I used several of those coupons at WalMart with no problem. The cashier balked at first, but after I pointed out that they were MANUFACTURER coupons, she put them thru.
There is a Target Q from 8/30 SS, “Shout Stain Remover product (except trial size) Save $2.50 when you also buy Scubbing Bubbles AND WIndex product TARGET COUPON ONLY”? This should work well on this promo too. There is also a Shout $.55/1 Q 09-13 S1. I’ll try it out tomorrow.
I found that deal and did it today too (twice)! Here’s the kicker, the shelf tag said the Shout power gel was clearanced at $2.50 yet it rang up $3.19 on each of my receipts. Unless I misread, I should get back the 69c difference AND a FREE one for each scan mistake. Right???
The Glade aerosale sprays are only .99 at Publix and the scrubbing bubbles have 2.00 peelies on them making them free, since they are b1g1 this week.
I’m wondering about the dates too, I purchased 3 scrubbing bubbles on 9/30….I didnt see a date restriction anywhere though. anyone know if that will be accepted or not?
Julie- the peelie on the scrubbing bubbles is $2 off TWO, not one. 🙁