I see that there has been quite a bit of discussion on the Trades page regarding the use of coupons. So I thought I would take a moment to give my opinion and make a request.ย 
I love a good discussion but let’s move it here to this post.ย  The tradesย page is for trading…I don’t want to clutter it up (I really need to do a clean up there –so let me know if you have any trade request that need to be deleted)ย  Feel free to leave you comment or opinion HERE in the comments section.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a person using coupons!ย As long as the person is using them correctly it doesn’t matter if they use one coupon or two hundred coupons.ย  Publix does not limit the number of coupons that you can use during a transaction.ย  The register will beep if your coupon to item ratio is not equal and it will also beep once you have hit a savings threshold.ย  At one point the threshold was $50–I have heard that it has increased to $100 but I am not positive.ย  So once you have used $50 (or $100) worth of coupons you will need a manager to override the system.ย 
Just because the register beeps and requires an override does not necessarily mean that the customer has done something wrong!ย  Since Publix allows the use of a competitor coupon with a manufacturer coupon it is possible for you to have more coupons than items.ย  If I am doing a big shopping trip I could easily use $100 worth of coupons–that is not at all difficult to achieve.ย  So–a beeping register is not indicative of improper coupon usage!ย  A beeping register is more likely the sign of a very smart shopper who has put much time and effort into clipping coupons and matching them to the weekly sale!
There was a comment about doubling coupons…Publix doubles couponsย as an incentive to shoppers.ย  There are lots of grocery store choices here in metro Atlanta. Most all of the competitor stores double coupons and some even offer eCoupons and Catalina promotions in addition to double coupons.ย  Doubling coupons is in no way an abuse of the system! It is a courtesy given to encourage shoppers to walk in the door.
I think the bottom line is that there is a difference in coupon usage and coupon abuse!ย ย  There will be honest people and there will be people who choose to cheat.ย  It is unfair to assume EVERYONE who uses coupons is a cheater.ย  Here on my site I highlight deals using coupons while abiding by the rules.ย  I always tell people that there is no need to cheat when you can get a great deal honestly!ย 
Feel free to leave your comments.ย  I love a good discussion and would love to hear some opinions.ย  I do ask that you keep it clean–I don’t have time to moderate foul mouthed comments ๐Ÿ™‚