I will admit I kinda forgot about the new Yellow Advantage Buy flyer that started this past weekend.  I posted a sneak peek then forgot to do the match ups!  I have completed the match ups for the entire flyer. You can see it HERE or you can click on the Advantage Buy Flyer tab at the top of the site.
I have had a couple of people ask me recently why I post the entire ad/flyers, etc.  Well– I post everything because we are all different and have different needs.  My idea of a good deal might not be a good deal for another (or vice versa).  The fact that Bagel-fuls are $2 and there is a $1/1 coupon that makes each package a buck is of no interest to me as we don’t eat that particular item–but that might be a great price for another person who regularly eats that product. 
One of the first things you learn as a couponer is that brand loyalty can get in the way of saving big bucks. While I love the fact that couponing allows me to try new and different foods there are still a few things that I buy whether I have a coupon or not.  My kids and I love Ovaltine! Coupons and deals are rare–so when I find a coupon or a sale on Ovaltine…I stock up.  I try to keep in mind when I am typing the ads—everybody has their “ovaltine” product 😉
I am curious–what are the items that you all still buy deal or no deal???