Every week I tell you all about a blog that I feel is definitely worth checking out.  There are so many wonderful bloggers out there who work very hard to publish some pretty wonderful blogs.  I have a list of blogs that I personally subscribe to and check out frequently to see what deals are listed.   
This week the Blog I Heart is from my buddy Mary over at Couponers United!
Mary was one of the first bloggers that I added to my favorites list!  She does a fabulous job finding and listing all the current and hot deals. Mary’s blog is comprehensive–if the deal is out there she will have it posted!!  Mary also holds a special place in my heart as she has helped me personally with some behind the scenes work on my blogs.  I am far from a computer pro and really just stumbled into the world of blogging.  Mary was kind enough to share her wisdom which in turn has helped me tremendously!!  This generosity and compassion is evident  in her blog.  Mary posts with personality and goes beyond just listing a deal! You know you are reading a good blog when you feel like you know the person behind the keyboard.  I have never met Mary but I am sure if/when we meet, we will hit it off  beautifully!!
Go visit my buddy Mary over at Couponers United and be sure to add her to your favorites list–you won’t be sorry!!