Every week I tell you all about a blog that I personally visit and think you all will like as well.  There are so many wonderful folks who work VERY hard to publish some wonderful websites–my buddy Leandrea over at Coupons Are Great is one of those folks!
I have been buddies with Leandrea for quite a while as we met on a coupon forum a year or maybe even two years ago?? Leandrea is one smart cookie and can spot a deal a mile away! She is also the kind of blogger I call “caring and sharing”…when she finds a hot deal she will post it and send it over to fellow bloggers so they can spread the word too!  One of the best perks about what I do is getting the opportunity to correspond with some super people (bloggers and readers) who make finding and reporting the deals fun and rewarding!!
Go visit Leandrea HERE at Coupons Are Great–I bet you’ll think she is pretty great too!
While snagging her logo for this post I noticed she has two great giveaways going at the moment that you guys might want to check out!!