NOTE–I will check these next time I shop…but please check to ensure the items are marked travel size and not trial size!! Trial size are excluded on the coupon!!

DeAnn emailed me a few more deals to add to the Dollar Deals page:

~Alka Seltzer, travel section $1.49
-$2/1 any Aleve, Midol, Bayer Aspirin, One A Day, Flinstones, Citracal Vitamin, Alka-Seltzer, or Phillips Green Adv Buy Flyer
Free after coupon!

~Aleve, travel section $1.09
-$2/1 any Aleve, Midol, Bayer Aspirin, One A Day, Flinstones, Citracal Vitamin, Alka-Seltzer, or Phillips Green Adv Buy Flyer
Free after coupon!

Thanks so much DeAnn!!