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Category: Coupons

Cracker Coupon

Wanted to let you guys know to be on the lookout for a great coupon that Sara told me about.  She found a $1/1 Premium Crackers when you buy any soup or chili (exp 2/28/10). The crackers are an Essential Item priced at $1.89 and...

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Hunt’s Tomatoes Coupon

Both Tanya and Taylor let me know about the $.50/2 Hunt’s tomato coupon available HERE at Start Making Choices.  I think the site may be having issues…but I’d say keep trying as the coupon (when doubled) will...

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Free Muir Glen Tomato Sauce & Paste

Go HERE and HERE to print a $1/1 Muir Glen coupon.  The small cans of tomato sauce and tomato paste are under $1 at my store…so FREE after coupon!   Also- there is a $1/1 any Muir Glen Product in the GM Better At Home...

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Naturally Fresh Dressing

Susanne emailed me about a deal she found at her Dallas store:  The Naturally Fresh Salad Dressing is BOGO and there are peelies on each jar that include the following coupons: $1.00 off and two 12.5 oz. cans Sweet Sue Chicken...

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Food Lion Coupon Good 10/10 ONLY

  If your store considers Food Lion a competitor you might want to grab a new Food Lion ad as there is a $5 off $50 coupon on the front page good for 10/10 from 7am to Noon!  To see if your area has the coupon go HERE and search...

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More Coupons!!

Kerry hit the jackpot today!  Here is what she found: Knorr Booklet –printed in English & Spanish       One coupon in the Marzetti Recipe Booklet:  – $1/1 Marzetti Caramel Apple Dip 12 oz or Larger- Expires...

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New Printable Coupons

The holidays are fast aproaching…here are a few coupons that may come in handy. Go HERE to print the following three coupons (printed exp 12/28) -$1/1 Diamond Nuts Product (8-oz or larger) -$1/2 Pop Secret -$1/1 Emerald...

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Operation: Coupons

I have had several of you email me asking what to do with excess and/or expired coupons.  I am thrilled to tell you about a great partership between Aubrey over at  Eastern Shore Mom and Shannon over at The Bargain Buggy.  They...

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New Booklet–UPDATED!!

Kerry has an update on this booklet: It seems the stores are distributing them different ways and some have the single sheet flyer tucked into the booklet The Magazine- “Dog’s Life” contains the following Qs on...

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